Service Learning program (2021) for Museums and Cultural Institutions in Sarawak funded by UCTS internal funding


RESEARCH SITES : Fuzhou World Heritage Gallery in Sibu

Initial Engagement: Cultural Assimilation in Digital Interactive Museum Service-Learning in Borneo

This project aims to expand students' and researchers' knowledge of community-based research in cultural institutions, create a documentary on Sarawak's cultural heritage, and collaborate with local cultural heritage organisations to develop digital apps and processes.

In 2020, Fuzhou World Heritage Gallery has indicated interest in forming a partnership with UTS. Cultural Assimilation in Digital Interactive Museum Service-Learning in Borneo introduces UTS students to sustainable development and digital technology for the protection of cultural assets in Sarawak. 

The programme uses service-learning to engage students in academic research, critical thinking and reflection, professional development, cross-cultural dialogue, and digitising local cultural services and artifacts. Using "design in the wild", community-based co-design, and service-learning pedagogical techniques, students can interact with the staff and stakeholders of the gallery to build prototypes or processes for partner organisations. This project’s goal is to establish an engaged learning platform enabling students and researchers to learn about design and computer science techniques and ideas while serving social groups and local cultural organisations. 


Funded by UTS under UTS Research Grant (URG) Scheme

Project Team

  • Fuzhou World Heritage Gallery 
  • Sibu Fuzhou Association
  • ASSET research Team