
To educate children about cyberbullying in games platform

Introduction to Cyberbullying:

Learning outcomes: Kids will gain a thorough understanding of what cyberbullying is, the

different forms it can take in online games, and how it can impact individuals.

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying refers to using technology, like smartphones or the internet, to hurt, harass, or embarrass someone else. It can happen through mean messages, spreading rumors, posting hurtful comments or images online, or excluding someone from online groups or games. Cyberbullying can make people feel sad, scared, or upset, and it's important to stop it and be kind to others online.

Different types of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying can take various forms such as Harassment, Doxing, Outing/Shaming, Flaming, Impersonation, Cyberstalking, and Trolling.

Each type of cyberbullying can have serious effects on a person's mental and emotional well-being, emphasizing the importance of creating a safe and respectful online environment.

How can Cyberbullying can happen in Online Games

In online games, cyberbullying happens when players are mean or hurtful to others. It can be through saying mean things, excluding someone on purpose, or making threats. Some players might also disrupt the game to bother others or pretend to be someone else to cause trouble. Cyberbullying makes the game less fun and can make people feel bad. It's important for everyone to be kind and respectful while playing games online.

Online Safety Measures:

Learning outcomes: Kids will acquire practical skills to enhance their online safety, such as

setting privacy settings, create strong strong passwords, and avoiding sharing personal information.

Setting up privacy setting in online games

To set up privacy settings in online games, start by going to the game's settings or account page. There, you can choose who can see your profile and gaming activity. You can also control who your child can talk to by using chat filters or blocking strangers. Teach your child to be careful about adding friends they don't know and show them how to use the game's safety features. Some games offer parental controls that let parents manage playtime, limit certain games, and control what content kids can access. It's also important to talk to your child about staying safe online, like not sharing personal information and being kind to others while gaming. Regularly checking and adjusting these settings helps keep gaming safe and fun!

Create strong and unique password

Making a strong and unique password means using a mix of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and special characters like symbols. Avoid using easily guessable information like your name, birthdate, or common words. Instead, choose a password that's hard for others to figure out but easy for you to remember. For example, you can combine unrelated words and numbers or use a phrase that's meaningful to you but not obvious to others. It's also a good idea to have different passwords for each of your accounts to prevent hackers from accessing multiple accounts if they figure out one password. Remember, a strong password helps protect your online accounts from being hacked or accessed by unauthorized people.

Avoiding sharing personal information

When you're online, it's smart to avoid giving out private details like your full name, address, phone number, school name, or any information that could identify you or your family. Be careful about sharing pictures or information about where you live or go regularly. This helps keep you safe from people who might use your personal info in the wrong way. Remember, only share information online with people you trust and always check with a grown-up before sharing anything personal.

Identifying and avoiding phishing attempts

Phishing is when someone tries to trick you into sharing sensitive information, like passwords or credit card numbers, by pretending to be someone trustworthy, like a bank or a company. They might send emails or messages that look real, asking you to click on links or provide personal details. To avoid falling for phishing, be careful about clicking on links or downloading attachments from unfamiliar emails or messages. Watch out for spelling mistakes or urgent requests asking for personal information. If you're not sure about a message, check with a grown-up or directly contact the company or organization using their official website or phone number to verify the request. Being cautious helps keep your information safe from scammers trying to trick you online.