
To provide strategies to prevent and address cyberbullying

Dealing with Cyberbullying:

Learning outcomes: Children will learn strategies to cope with cyberbullying if they are targeted or to support friends who experience it. They will understand the role of trusted adults in addressing cyberbullying.

Coping Strategies for kids who experience Cyberbullying

If a kid is being cyberbullied, it's important to know there are ways to cope and feel stronger. First, they can talk to a trusted adult, like a parent, teacher, or counselor, about what's happening. It's also helpful to save evidence, like screenshots or messages, to show what's been going on. Kids can try to block the person cyberbullying them and use privacy settings to stay safe online. Taking a break from devices and spending time doing things they enjoy, like hobbies or hanging out with friends, can also help them feel better. Remember, no one should have to deal with cyberbullying alone, and there are ways to cope and get support.

Step to helping someone that is being Cyberbullied

If you know someone facing cyberbullying, here's how you can help:

  • Listen and be there for them. Encourage them to talk about it.
  • Suggest reporting the bullying to a trusted adult or authority.
  • Help them with practical steps like blocking the bully or saving evidence.
  • Encourage breaks from online activities and focus on positive things.
  • If it continues, seek help from professionals or website support for guidance. Being supportive and guiding them through these steps can make a big difference for someone dealing with cyberbullying.

Role of trusted adults in addressing the issues

Trusted adults, like parents, teachers, or guardians, are important because they're there to help when you need support or have problems. They listen to your concerns without judging and offer guidance or solutions. When it comes to issues like bullying, they can step in, listen to what's happening, and take action to help stop it. These adults provide a safe space for you to share your worries and can work with you to find solutions. They're like your helpers and allies, making sure you're safe and supported when you face tough situations.

Reporting and Seeking help:

Learning outcomes: Participants will be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to report cyberbullying incidents within game platforms and know when and how to seek help from trusted


How to report cyberbullying incidents in the game platform

If you experience cyberbullying while playing a game, you can report it to the game platform. Look for options like a "report" button or "help" section within the game. Click on it and describe what happened—mention the player's username and details about the cyberbullying. The platform will review your report and take action to stop the bullying, which might include warning or banning the bully from the game. Reporting helps keep the game safe and enjoyable for everyone. Remember, it's important to tell a grown-up you trust about the cyberbullying too, so they can support you and help take further steps if needed.

When and how to seek help from trusted adults

You should seek help from a trusted adult when you're feeling worried, scared, or upset about something. It could be bullying, feeling unsafe, or facing a problem you can't solve alone. Look for an adult you trust, like a parent, teacher, or family member, and tell them what's happening. Explain how you feel and ask for their help and guidance. They're there to listen, support you, and find ways to make things better. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it—trusted adults are there to help you through tough times.

Importance of documenting evidence

Keeping evidence, like screenshots or messages, is really important if someone is being mean or bullying you online. It's like having proof of what's going on. Saving these things can help adults or authorities understand the situation better and take action to stop the bullying. It's important to keep records of the bullying so that grown-ups can see exactly what happened and help make things right. Remember, saving evidence is like having a strong backup to show what's been going on and to get the help needed to stop the bullying.